How do I get from Hoi An to Hue?

By Bus: The most convenient way you can get from Hoi An to Hue is to by an open tour bus ticket in the ancient town. The trip lasts about 3 hours and you can request for a drop-off at your reserved hotel. Note that the route from Hoi An to Hue is one of the most mind-boggling one in Vietnam.

After passing through Da Nang, you will arrive at Hai Van pass. A new tunnel has been built to reduce traffic accidents and travel time and it is the longest tunnel in Southeast Asia.

By Train: Since there is no train station in Hoi An, you need to go to Danang to catch the train to Hoi An. Travel time is 30 minutes from Hoi an to Danang and 2.5 hour by train from Danang to Hoi An by train.

Note: Before and after the tunnel, you will be blown away by the breathtaking natural landscape of mountains and oceans, sky and trees so get your camera ready!

We offer private transfer directly from Hoi An to Hue for $120/car/way. Contact us via email: for further information.
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