How do I get from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc

There are a number of ways to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc island, but the most popular way is to take a flight. Currently, Vietjet Air and Vietnam Airlines operate flights daily departing for the island.

› Vietjet Air flights:

* Air ticket starts at $50 one way. One way flight takes 45 minutes.

› Vietnam Airlines flights:

* Air ticket starts at $50 and there are 8 flights back and forth between the two cities daily. One way flight takes 45 minutes. 

Speed boat:

* You can also travel on a high speed ferry from Rach Gia (Kien Giang) to Phu Quoc - which takes 3 hour and costs about $12. There are multiple ferries departing daily to Phu Quoc and back but it may take you a long time to travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia.

We offer flight reservation between Ho Chi Minh City and Phu Quoc for both Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet Air. Contact us for the best fare and detailed schedule.
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