Da Nang in September: Weather & climate information
Around September time, the weather is staring to get colder and wetter. Large rainfall amount and frequent rains make weather this month become unpleasant, and prevent tourists from almost exciting outdoor activities.
September Averages
Min Temperature | 24.4°C | Precipitation | 308.9mm |
Max Temperature | 29.7°C | Rainy Days | 12.8 days |
Humidity | 82.7% | Sunshine Hours | 10.6 hours |
Historical weather
September weather averages for Da Nang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 25.0°29.0° | ||||||
2 25.0°30.0° | 3 24.0°28.0° | 4 25.0°29.0° | 5 26.0°30.0° | 6 25.0°31.0° | 7 26.0°31.0° | 8 25.0°31.0° |
9 26.0°32.0° | 10 25.0°30.0° | 11 25.0°31.0° | 12 25.0°30.0° | 13 25.0°29.0° | 14 25.0°30.0° | 15 24.0°29.0° |
16 25.0°29.0° | 17 24.0°30.0° | 18 25.0°29.0° | 19 25.0°29.0° | 20 25.0°28.0° | 21 24.0°28.0° | 22 24.0°29.0° |
23 24.0°27.0° | 24 23.0°28.0° | 25 23.0°27.0° | 26 25.0°28.0° | 27 24.0°29.0° | 28 23.0°28.0° | 29 23.0°28.0° |
30 23.0°28.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Da Nang temperature during September is around 26.9°C (80.42°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
August | 30.8°C (87.44°F) | 24.9°C (76.82°F) | -0.1°C (31.82°F) |
September* | 29.7°C (85.46°F) | 24.4°C (75.92°F) | -0.7°C (30.74°F) |
October | 27.6°C (81.68°F) | 23.0°C (73.4°F) | -1.9°C (28.58°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in September in Da Nang is 82.7%, which is 2.4% higher than August and 2.8% lower than October.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in September in Da Nang: 308.9mm
August | September* | October |
115.6mm (+193.3mm) | 308.9mm | 488.1mm (-179.2mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in September in Da Nang: 12.8 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in September in Da Nang: 12.2h
Tips for visiting Da Nang in September
Temperature just decreases slightly in September (1 degree Celsius lower then it in August), and ranges from 25 to 31 degree Celsius. However, the precipitation soars up to 300 mm (three times larger than it in previous month), and number of wet days is estimated at 12 days (1.9 times more than the average in August). Nearly half of the days of September are wet days makes umbrella and raincoat become indispensable companions of tourists this month.
Coming to Danang in September, tourists can immerse themselves in lively atmosphere of dragon boat racing on Han River to celebrate the Independence Day: September 2nd. To celebrate the Moon Festival (usually takes place in the middle of September), paying a visit to Hoi An ancient town (30 km far from Da Nang) to walk along lantern-lit streets, enjoy cozy atmosphere and lavish Hoi An cuisine may be a great idea.
September is not a good time to visit Danang because of frequent rains and large rainfall amount.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Da Nang in September?
September is a hot month in Da Nang with an average temperature of 26.9°C. Da Nang's temperature in September ranges between 24.4°C (75.92°F) and 29.7°C (85.46°F).
Is Da Nang humid in September?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Da Nang in September is around 82.7% and rarely falls below 69.0%.
Does it rain often in Da Nang in September?
Yes, it does. It rains very often in Da Nang in September with an average of 12.8 rainy days and 308.9mm (12.16") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in September in Da Nang?
In September, Da Nang's average day-length is 12.2 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Da Nang in September?
The average sunshine hours of Da Nang in September is 10.6 hours.