Electronics Shopping In Vietnam
If you are searching for an electronic item while traveling to Viet Nam, a huge numbers of electronic suppliers are available to meet your demand. You can find a plenty of various gadgets and devices in countless electronics stores in Viet Nam. It may reflect the fact that, believe it or not, Vietnamese people are quite trendy and love high-tech appliances. With over 80 million in population, Vietnam is a growing market of many big names such as Samsung, Dell, Apple and Microsofts.
Once you think of purchasing a DVD player, camera, cell phones or a computer, you should first consider some well-known areas below.
Individual Retails
Take a stroll along Hai Ba Trung street in Hanoi, Nhat Tao market in Ho Chi Minh City or Han market in Haiphong, which are all jam packed with electronics shops selling common HD Television, power-converters, air-conditions or mobile phones. The price is affordable and you can always catch to latest models. Besides, you may fine it easier when being served by giant suppliers due to their better customer services and high quality products from famous brand names.
Electronics Mall
Dien May Xanh is a successful digital appliance distributor in Vietnam, is now expanding its retail network throughout the country; and similar to Nguyen Kim. At these malls, you can easily find any suitable electronic item for home use or office use. There are also some supermarkets specialized in only digital objects across Viet Nam. Pico, Topcare or Phuc Anh can offer you a wide range choice of products with free delivering services.
Online Shopping
Shopping online is another option for you. You can surf some e-commercial websites such as chodientu.com or trananh.vn to explore functionality and features of products you want to purchase. To some people with tight budget, replica products might satisfy them to the utmost. You can find these items in any electronics vendor in Hanoi, Hue or Da Nang. However, the warranty is not available and sometimes the quality is not worth your penny, so do think carefully before throwing your money away.

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