Do I need to have any vaccination to enter Vietnam?

The only proof of vaccination required by international regulations is yellow fever if you have visited a country in the yellow-fever zone within six days before entering Vietnam. However, you are strongly advised to be up to date with these following vaccinations to avoid any risk of diseases:

Adult diphtheria and tetanus - Single booster recommended if you’ve had none in the previous 10 years.

Hepatitis A - Provides almost 100% protection for up to a year; a booster after 12 months provides at least another 20 years’ protection.

Hepatitis B - Now considered routine for most travellers. Given as three shots over six months. A rapid schedule is also available, as is a combined vaccination with Hepatitis A. Lifetime protection occurs in 95% of people.

Typhoid Recommended to avoid typhoid through contaminated food or water in Vietnam, unless your trip is less than a week and only to developed cities. The vaccine offers around 70% protection and lasts for two or three years.

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