Nha Trang in January: Weather & climate information
The first month of the year is also the first month of dry season in Nha Trang, which lasts for eight months from January to August. While temperature keeps ranging from 20°C to 25°C, no change compared to December, precipitation drops to 73.5mm, only two thirds of what it was in the previous month.
January Averages
Min Temperature | 20.9°C | Precipitation | 73.5mm |
Max Temperature | 25.1°C | Rainy Days | 8.5 days |
Humidity | 83.3% | Sunshine Hours | 7.4 hours |
Historical weather
January weather averages for Nha Trang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 21.0°25.0° | 2 21.0°25.0° | 3 21.0°26.0° | 4 23.0°24.0° | 5 22.0°27.0° | 6 22.0°27.0° | 7 22.0°28.0° |
8 23.0°28.0° | 9 22.0°27.0° | 10 22.0°24.0° | 11 21.0°24.0° | 12 20.0°23.0° | 13 20.0°24.0° | 14 21.0°24.0° |
15 21.0°24.0° | 16 21.0°25.0° | 17 21.0°24.0° | 18 21.0°25.0° | 19 22.0°25.0° | 20 22.0°26.0° | 21 22.0°27.0° |
22 22.0°26.0° | 23 22.0°27.0° | 24 22.0°27.0° | 25 22.0°27.0° | 26 22.0°27.0° | 27 23.0°27.0° | 28 22.0°28.0° |
29 22.0°28.0° | 30 22.0°26.0° | 31 22.0°26.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Nha Trang temperature during January is around 22.8°C (73.04°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
December | 25.6°C (78.08°F) | 21.7°C (71.06°F) | -1.6°C (29.12°F) |
January* | 25.1°C (77.18°F) | 20.9°C (69.62°F) | -0.5°C (31.1°F) |
February | 26.1°C (78.98°F) | 20.4°C (68.72°F) | +0.2°C (32.36°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in January in Nha Trang is 83.3%, which is 1.3% lower than December and 2.2% higher than February.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in January in Nha Trang: 73.5mm
December | January* | February |
103.0mm (-29.5mm) | 73.5mm | 23.7mm (+49.8mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in January in Nha Trang: 8.5 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in January in Nha Trang: 11.5h
Tips for visiting Nha Trang in January
Arriving in Nha Trang these days, sun-bathing and swimming may not in be the best condition that you would wish for, although it is rather warm and sunny for the whole month. One can also spend time on sight-seeing and other physical activities like hiking or climbing. Hòn Chồng, a seashore rocky complex consisting of various shaped and sized rocks overlapping each others is a good place for both climbing and sight-seeing. From here, one can enjoy enchanting scene of immense sea and majestic mountains.
Moderately warm and dry weather makes January a very good time to visit Nha Trang.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Nha Trang in January?
January is a comfortable month in Nha Trang, with average temperature fluctuating between 20.9°C (69.62°F) and 25.1°C (77.18°F), and this makes January one of the best months to visit Nha Trang.
Is Nha Trang humid in January?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Nha Trang in January is around 83.3% and rarely falls below 73.0%.
Does it rain often in Nha Trang in January?
No, it does not. Nha Trang has only 8.5 rainy days in January with an approximate 73.5mm (2.89") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in January in Nha Trang?
In January, Nha Trang's average day-length is 11.5 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Nha Trang in January?
The average sunshine hours of Nha Trang in January is 7.4 hours.