Getting To Danang By Train
Danang is easily reached by train from other major destinations in Vietnam. Find below train timetables from different destinations to Danang.
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Train from Hanoi to Danang (South-bound)
Length: 791km
Travel time: 18 hrs
Train | Depart Hanoi | Arrive Danang |
SE1 | 10:15 PM | 2:32 PM (+1 day) |
SE3 | 7:25 PM | 12:14 PM (+1 day) |
SE5 | 8:50 AM | 1:57 AM (+1 day) |
SE7 | 6:00 AM | 11:44 PM |
Train from Ho Chi Minh City to Danang (North-bound)
Length: 935 km
Travel time: 19 hrs
Train | Depart Ho Chi Minh City | Arrive Danang |
SE2 | 9:55 PM | 3:45 PM (+1 days) |
SE4 | 7:25 PM | 12:56 PM (+1 days) |
SE6 | 8:40 AM | 3:13 AM (+1 days) |
SE8 | 6:00 AM | 00:54 AM (+1 days) |
Train from Hue to Danang (South-bound)
Length: 103km
Travel time: 3hrs
Train | Depart Hue | Arrive Danang |
SE1 | 11:55 AM | 2:32 PM |
SE3 | 9:34 AM | 12:14 PM |
SE5 | 11:17 PM | 1:57 AM (+1 day) |
SE7 | 9:09 PM | 11:44 PM |
Train from Nha Trang to Danang (North-bound)
Length: 524km
Travel time: 11 hrs
Train | Depart Nha Trang | Arrive Danang |
SE2 | 5:37 AM | 3:45 PM |
SE4 | 3:12 AM | 12:56 PM |
SE6 | 4:33 PM | 3:13 AM (+1 day) |
SE8 | 2:20 PM | 0:54 AM (+1 day) |
How to book
You can get tickets from the ticket booths at the city train stations - which is the cheapest way to buy one. Sometimes buying the ticket off the counter can save you up to 30%.
However, sometimes it might be risky to wait and book at last minute (even 2-3 days in advance are considered last minute) - seats or berths on popular route are not always available. Ticket agents will charge you a commission when you reserve online - most will provide free ticket delivery.

Getting To Danang - Air, Road and Train
At the middle point of Vietnam, Da Nang is well served by various means of transportation.

Getting Around Danang - GrabCar, Taxi, Bike And More
It is fairly easy to navigate the city of Da Nang.