Hung Vuong District Map, Hue

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About Hung Vuong district

Hung Vuong Street is an important road of Hue City that connects Truong Tien Bridge with the center of this city. This road is a two way road and lasts for about 2 kilometer. This is also one of the oldest roads of Hue City with 500 hundred years history, and during this long age, it has been named differently on each period. Before 1910, the French colonist called this road The 1st Colonial Street, but Vietnamese named it Cai Quan which means the big road. After that, a part of this road has been renamed to Brière (or Rue de Courcy) until 1956 when the road had the new name Tu Duc. In 1977, the local authority in Hue decided to change the name again to Hung Vuong and this name has been remained until today.

Along Hung Vuong Street, tourists are able to find a number of tourist attractions and destinations. If they need some places to rest, Saigon Morin Hotel, Hung Vuong hotel, Duy Tan Hotel or Hoa Tra Hotel could be the proper options. Or when they need to exchange money or shopping, VCB, Agribank and Big C supermarket are willing to serve them.

Restaurants Near Hung Vuong

This page was last updated on October 24, 2024