Chu Van An District Map, Hue

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About Chu Van An district

Chu Van An Street is a tourism street on the South side of Perfume River from Le Loi street to Nguyen Thai Hoc Street. It was only a very small soil road in the past, but then it has become larger and one of the most attractive street on the tourism area in Hue City. The name Chu Van An has been used since 1956 to rememorize the most famous teacher in the history of Vietnam, but before that the road had been named Huong My road. Along the 360m length of the road, there are many locations to serve the tourists like accommodation, restaurant and attractions. If travelers want to find somewhere to rest on this road, Orchid Hotel, New Star Hue Hotel or Nhu Phu Hotel is highly recommended. And when the tourists need somewhere to eat, they can come to restaurant like Tinh Tam vegetarian restaurant or Ong Tao restaurant to have some delicious meal.  

This page was last updated on October 24, 2024