23/8 District Map, Hue

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About 23/8 district

This is one of the oldest roads in Hue City that was built in 19th century when the Hue Imperial City was established. The road was former name Ngo Mon Street because it runs across the Ngo Mon Gate of the Imperial City, but then its name was changed to Thong Nhat, and finally 23/8 in 1977 to rememorize the August Revolution of Vietnamese people in the previous century. The road lasts only 315m, cut Le Huan Street and Doan Thi Diem Street at its two ends.
Travelers who walk on this road say that it could be the most beautiful street in Hue City. It is attractive to the tourists because of not only the largeness of it and the trees on its sidewalk, but also the two famous relics that it runs across. One is the huge and fascinating Imperial City on one side, and the other side is the Flag Tower Square, one of the most crowded places in Hue with a hundred of people in the afternoon time.   

This page was last updated on October 22, 2024